Chris's Journal

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

"healing class"

There are signs of spring! I had to "leave twice" Friday morning. On the second trip out the door I saw a fat robin on the wall. Hooray-there is hope!

The "healing class" that I mentioned is just how I am refering to all the learning I am doing for my healing. Wouldn't it be great if there were such a class?! I am using the wonderful ideas and suggestions and recipes from the posse on Crazy Sexy Cancer, especially Debbie, Sharon, Dee, and Callie). I am reading books suggested by Kay and Jep, the CSC site, and my beautiful study group (Sheila, Gayla, Kathy). I am doing the lenten readings on the fabulous basic missions site (that Callie is amazing!). I am getting massages (thanks Sue!), looking into acupuncture. Working on the juicing (can't wait for my CSA box again!). Dealing to much to learn.

Crazy Sexy Cancer blog--
Basic Missions--

It is a whole new semester!

Thursday, February 21, 2008

more healing...not just dealing

I mentioned this before-trying to move from just dealing to healing. Over the last 3+ years I think I have done well just dealing, but, I am learning that is not enough. I was finding myself mad and sad...and then sitting and eating and avoiding. Ugh. I know in my head the things I should do/want to do. I just could not "get off dead center" as my dad would say. Papers and bills are piling up. The house is cluttered. Very little exercise or meditation time. Filling the sad/worried times with food. Ugh again!

so...I am putting it out there...fessing up and stating my intentions. My friend Kay and I are really working on that. Put it out there and do your part/do the work. I think that Uncle Guy and my brother say it best: Take part in your own rescue.

It is the first week of "healing class" and I am getting my text books and lab materials, and working on assignments. With vision board, juicer, blog buddies, and friends to study with...gee, I hope I like all my teachers...


Thursday, February 14, 2008

Happy Heart Day!

My heart is full.
Thank you all from the bottom of it!

Love and hugs,

Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Catching up

Happy Fat Tuesday! My kind of day-feasting and celebrating!
I was looking back at past posts-Fat Tuesday 2005 I posted: "I picture a huge Mardi Gras going on in my system-lots and lots of chemo revelers in the streets, lots and lots of trash (dead cancer cells), and lots and lots of beads! "

I had a PET scan on Jan. 17th and then met with Dr. K. The scan indicates some "activity." So, 3 more infusions of Alimta and then another scan in April. She feels that we will be changing to something else. I am happy that there is something else... This will be my third protocol and I am hoping that the research is moving right along so that there is always something bigger and tougher to fight with.

I was bummed to hear that the cancer was starting to find a way around the Alimta. But, glass half full, the Alimta has really worked some magic, for a long time. I have been so lucky. Of course, I am counting on the new scan showing that the "activity" was just the cancer cells burning out-like stars. A burst of activity and then GONE. Those cancer cells are in the midst of their own Fat Tuesday-one last blast and it is over!

Put on your beads and have a grand day!
