Chris's Journal

Monday, October 22, 2012

Oh My Gosh!

It feels so good to feel good!!

It took more than 7 weeks from the last chemo to feel good.  I kind of have my face back (from the steroids), I am not as tense, cranky/fussy.  I am not green.  I just feel lighter.  Sweetness!

I was supposed to start chemo this Wednesday.  However, the CT guided needle biopsy is not til next Monday, so, chemo will have to wait a bit.  

I am so not ready to do it again.  I know I have to.  I know I will.  Just not ready.

But, for is all good!

Saw this on a facebook post: 

There are many paths up the mountain. May I not forget to breathe and look around.


Tuesday, October 09, 2012


Time-goes by so fast.
Time-need more of it.
Time-to let go.
Time-is for sharing.

It has been a busy month. Library conference is Casper.  Upcoming Science Math Teacher conference.  Programs in both of them, so lots of prep.

Was in Texas to say goodbye to my dear Uncle Fred.  He was the patriarch of the family, a dear soul.  Stories were told, tears were shed.  It was an honor to be there.

Also during this time, I had a new biopsy done.  That was the reason for the chemo break (that and I was going to throw a tantrum in the doctors office, I needed one so bad!).  I had a bronchoscopy done-sadly, he was not able to get the tissue needed. We want to get it sent off to see if other treatments will be available to me when we move on from the Alimta/Avastin. So, now I have to have a needle biopsy.  sigh

Supposed to have chemo again on the 24th...what if I just ran off the Canada....
