Chris's Journal

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

just stuff

Last Wednesday was chemo number 116.  Most folks would look at that and think it was a typo!
For some reason that day I felt discombobulated.  Felt a need to have a long catch-up conversation with my oncologist, another one with the counselor, acupuncture, massage, a walk.....So, guess I need to get all of those scheduled.
Last Thursday was the day my mother died.  21 years.  That also seems like it is a typo. I can't believe she has been gone that long.  I can't believe how young she was when she died.  I can't believe that she too had cancer.

Hmmm, I think that I need to go out and soak up some sun and have some happy thoughts!


Thursday, April 19, 2012

chemo room

My chemo room mates chat, read, knit, watch tv.
A young school teacher grades papers, someone else conducts work from laptop and phone.
A couple sits close, sharing a movie on their iPad, each with an ear bud, she with a basin in case she gets sick.
Several sleep, exhausted from the fight and treatment, succumbing to the benedryl drip and warm blankets.
The nurses always there, capable, caring.

Most days it is not hard to be there.

But some days, like yesterday, all I see is my future.


Friday, April 06, 2012

chemo recovery

Finally feeling pretty good. Stomach is still cranky. Hoping that gets better fast-Rockies season opener is tonight and I would love to have a glass of wine while I watch the game.

Had chemo (and acupuncture) on the 28th. Went for acupuncture again on the 3rd in hopes of getting a boost. Seems to have really helped. Tried to teach my yoga class on Wednesday-yikes! So dizzy. They had to finish their sun salutations without me!

I think that doing the acupuncture helps a lot, I get my B-12 shots every 21 days (rather than the every 9 weeks), and I have been allowed to decrease the amount of the "damn decadron" (steroid). Nice to have my face back!

Next chemo is the 18th. sigh.

Have a wonderful weekend!