Chris's Journal

Friday, May 22, 2009

Still here to walk another survivor lap!

Relay for Life is just around the corner. June 5th and 6th here in Cheyenne. Come out and walk with us, join in the celebration of hope.

If you would like to join in the cause--raise awareness and dollars, you can go to this link and donate online:
You can also send directly to me, make checks out to ACS (American Cancer Society).

Let me know if you have any questions or want to come out and walk.

Thank you for all you do. I know that my life depends on it.

As I say on the Relay donation page...I Relay in hope that one day, no one will have to have their world rocked with the words, "You have cancer."


Tuesday, May 19, 2009

single and sick

Last night I was really feeling the negative side of being a single person with cancer and chemo. I was sick, sad, pissed. I needed dinner. I did not need to see the pile on the coffee table, the dishes, the yard that needed work, laundry... I needed fruit and veggies and a hug!
Pitiful, isn't it?!

But, this morning is just gorgeous. I am still sick, but improving. And, Des walked in with fruit, bread and a book!


Friday, May 15, 2009

and she's off!

Just to keep with a theme, since it is horseracing season...and I am a longshot.
Yesterday was #62 on the Alimta. Dr. Kanard is still amazed... I am amazed, tired, willing.

I am hoping to have enough goody to get out and putter in the yard a bit this weekend. Sure needs some digging and clipping and raking. There are tulips back there somewhere!

Enjoy the weekend!

Friday, May 08, 2009


Long time, no post! Chemo wrestled me to the ground this time and we are in the midst of moving the library.
But, here it is Friday-there are tulips on my desk, I am in my new office, and I am no longer green. Nice!
I am feeling so spring-like. New, hopeful, refreshed. (I can hear ya Moodler: "Look out! She is blissing!")
A very happy Mother's Day. I sure do miss my mom. I can't believe that it has been 18 years. She was such a force, she loved life and celebrated it. And speaking of...this weekend would have been my Uncle Guy's birthday. Talk about a life force! I know those two are up there dancing!

Get out there and dance! Happy Spring!