Chris's Journal

Wednesday, November 21, 2012


(saw this on facebook--love it!)

Happy Thanksgiving.
May you know how thankful I am for you.
I am truly blessed.


Wednesday, November 14, 2012

oh, sorry! here's the update

Oops! I forgot to get on here and do an update.  (Thanks for the nudge, Gloria!)

I had the PET scan and met with my oncologist last Tuesday.  The scan was late morning, which means no coffee.  So not right!  The nice folks at PET Imaging made sure they had a cup ready for me as soon as I was out of the machine.  Awesome!  After I was no longer radioactive, I took myself to lunch at East Moon.  Sat at a sunny table, read my book and savored my sweet potato sushi.  Then off to see the oncology social worker.  So helpful.  Then to see Dr. Kanard.
The scan shows growth. She said if you read the report, it is bad. If you look at the pictures, not so bad. So, we looked at the pictures. 
The other news was that the needle biopsy did not produce the tissue we needed.  I was not happy about that news.  So, two procedures and no tissue to send off for the studies.  There was a new spot in my neck.  So, off to yet another doc, on Wednesday, to see if they might come out and be sent off.  That doc said they (he thought there was more than one) may not be cancerous lymph nodes.  So, the latest is, I will have an ultra sound on them tomorrow.  We will do it again in 4-6 weeks.  Then, if they turn out to look cancerous, have them removed and sent off.

The oncologist says I will go back on the Alimta and Avastin when I start back up (after the holidays).  I will stay on that combo til it no longer works. 

I am feeling great!  It is wonderful to feel like myself.  I laugh like myself again.  Thought i might lose some weight, but food tastes so good!

I am so looking forward to the holidays.  This will be my first Christmas feeling good in 9 years. Fa la la la la!


Monday, November 05, 2012

Help me put it out there...

Let's all say it, believe it...

"I am happy and grateful the PET scan is stable"

That is my hope....that is my plan.

I have the  PET scan in the morning and meet with Dr. Kanard at 4 tomorrow afternoon.

Ask, Believe, Receive.
Thank you!
