Chris's Journal

Friday, October 31, 2008



How wild is that? I was stunned, then did the happy dance, then wept. What a roller-coaster.

Dr. Kanard said we are going to shoot for 4 years on Alimta. Ok!

I gotta admit, makes me tired thinking about it...I am going to rely on you all.

Happy Halloween! (I am green for Halloween!)

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

upcoming schedule

Had a grand time in Monterey, CA with Des. We were there for Internet Librarian. In addition to the conference sessions, we tried a vinyasa yoga class, ate fabulous food, walked a lot, and read Mike Shayne!

PET scan has rolled around again. I am scheduled for Thursday morning. I will meet with my oncologist in the afternoon and then have chemo. I don't like PET scan week. Makes me nervous. But, I am thinking positive and planning on chemo.

My upcoming chemo schedule is: Oct. 30, Nov. 20, December 11 (all in the afternoon).


Friday, October 17, 2008


It is Friday and I am feeling good! Finally turned the corner yesterday. Managed to stay away from the dark hole this go-round, thanks to the love and care of friends and family.

Wednesday I went to the opening of the cancer resource center at the hospital-mostly breast cancer info, since it was started with a Komen grant...anyway, a friend there mention my positive attitude as a part of why I have lived beyond the year and a half. I hear this a lot (and am happy people feel that way and happy I feel that way most of the time).

"Your great attitude must be part of why you are doing so well." I worry about that statement. I agree that it makes a huge difference in how I am living with cancer. But, there are many people out there with beautiful spirits and wonderful attitudes dying from cancer.


Monday, October 06, 2008


October Alimta anniversary. I have now been on Alimta for 3 years. Every 21 days for 3 years.
