Chris's Journal

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

December 20


Friday, December 16, 2011

and again...

Had a blast in Portland. Lux and I played a lot of trucks and dinosaurs!! He is a joy! Loved my time with Carrie-she is a peach!

Another round on Wednesday, so today a bit green. I think all this is causing me to be more fussy, more needy... I know I am doing well, but find I am needing more, oh I don't know... Attention? Soup?

Glass half full-able to work and play. Still feel pretty good most of the time.
Glass dipping below the line-still have f!@k#$g cancer. 7 years of treatment beginning to take its toll. Physically, emotionally.

Thank you Sue for the flowers, Des for sharing yummy food, Sara for the lights, Peg O. for the Goddess of Attitude...maybe I should go and rub her belly!! (The Goddess, not Peg!)
