Chris's Journal

Friday, April 23, 2010

never go away...

Those words keep playing in my head. I know I whine about stable sometimes--the tumors not shrinking. But, to hear the words, "it will never go away."


Well, ok you little bastards. Stay in there...but Alimta and I are going to make your time there just miserable!! And, here all around you, the rest of me is partying!

As Jimmy Buffett says, "Breathe in. Breathe out. Move on."


Monday, April 19, 2010

Nora Rose

I miss you, mommy.

April 7, 1936-April 19, 1991

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Do I say "hooray?"

This is a birthday that I did not think I would see. It was a goal, though. Well, not an end goal...the goal does not stop with 54! How about 104?!

Thank you to all my friends and support team, my cheer squad. Thank you Dr. Kanard and all the fabulous folks at the Cancer Center of the Rockies. Thank you to Stacey, my beautiful healer. Thank you Alimta! Thank you to everyone who donates to cancer research so that we can kick this beast.

To all of you out there fighting this...hugs, hope, healing.


Thursday, April 01, 2010


It is snowing and thundering.

Kind of like this experience.
Some winter, some summer.

Up. Down.
Snow. Thunder.
