Chris's Journal

Friday, March 26, 2010

Attitude Post #2

Attitudeā€¦Bad! I know, I just wrote about attitude, positive attitude. And here I sit feeling like crap. Driving down for chemo yesterday I could feel my good attitude slipping. I did not want to feel green for another week. 82nd week of green (at least they were not all in a row). I did not want to miss out on stuff, fall behind in stuff.
Wah, Wah, Wah!
Ok, so my goal this round is to try and not let it frustrate me, to stay off the couch and at least putter with stuff (I do love the word stuff! So professional!). I have a yoga workshop in the morning. That should help get it rolling. I think I should go buy daffodils. Bring some spring and cheer into the place.
You too!
Have a great weekend!

Thursday, March 18, 2010


2010 is just a rockin' year! It amazes me how you can change your life and how you live it just by changing your attitude.

I let my teeth get bad...why go to the dentist? I am not supposed to live.
I let my finances get neglected...why bother? I am just going to die.
I let my well-being slip from priority...why workout? I am just going to be sick and in bed again.

Jimmy Buffett has a song called Growing Older But Not Up. The chorus says, "I'd rather die while I am living than live while I am dead."

So, after my dreary summer and fall, I have gotten back out there. What a great year!

I have realized that it is ok to have a bad day or week...or even months. But, eventually, you have to crawl out from under the bed, dust yourself off, and look at life with gratitude. Don't get me wrong, this little Pollyanna still gets pissy and mad about all this. But you do choose how you conduct your life.

"We can move out of our own way, and we can make room for the blessings in our life to flow."
(from Living Life as a Thank You by Nina Lesowitz and Mary Beth Sammons)


Friday, March 12, 2010

Nothin' like a sunny day!

Heard that song this morning on my drive in (on the Margaritaville station). Perfect-got my toes tappin', enjoying the sun, and feeling good. Wahoo! All that, and it is Friday.
It was a long and green week, but I had a wonderful session with my acupuncturist, taught yoga on Wednesday, hit the green juice hard...all better!

This weekend looks to be full of friends, some weaving, and (bleah) finding all the papers for income tax.

Enjoy yours...

Monday, March 08, 2010

81 and counting

A weekend in bed...yuk! (Wasn't there a time in my life that would have been a good thing?!)

12 hours + each night and naps. Pretty green, but had Meg's oatmeal pancakes to nibble and soup and vegetables to juice.
Managed to get some house chores done and read a bit of Salty Piece of Land. That is all I have to show for it!
To add to all the fun, I had a wisdom tooth extracted today. Another week of simple/soft food. Fire up the juicer and the blender!
The pamphlet said no coffee...Yikes! I had the assistant ask the doc. I can have some tomorrow around noon. Whew!
Yoga, acupuncture and pedicure on Wednesday. Just in time!
Have a grand week!