Chris's Journal

Thursday, August 30, 2007

fresh inspiration

Good morning! Foggy old England-like here this morning. We are coming into my very favorite season.

My cousin Dave called me yesterday about Kris Carr and her documentary, Crazy, Sexy, Cancer on the Learning Channel. It was on last night, but I am hoping it is aired again and that someone gets that channel and can tape it for me. I looked her up this morning (I so love Google!) and found her website, blog, and book reference. I am heading to Barnes and Noble right now. and

I watched her interview from the Today show. I loved what she said, so am excited to read her book. She calls it an "adventure story rather than a battle," because she doesn't want to lose.
Right on!

I love this from her first entry on her blog:
Some skeptics have asked “what’s so sexy about cancer lady?” My response: the women who have it! We are crazy, sexy, whole, loving, surviving, delicious women, so get out of our way! Granted, it's not always easy to be positive but more often it's a pain in the butt to be blue.

I will let you know about the book. Could someone see if they have the Learning Channel? Thank you to Dr. Peg for taping the Living with Cancer show for me.

Friday, August 24, 2007

Back from Nantucket

What a great time Carrie and I had on Nantucket! My cousin Dave and his family flew us out to join them on the island for a week. We had a great time wandering around the beaches and eating fish and shell fish every day, sharing time with Dave, Shirley, Eleanor, and Henry, and Carrie. Such dear hearts.... What a gift.
It was wonderful to get to see Carrie every day. I miss that. She celebrated her birthday while we were there, with fresh raspberry pie (Shirley and I went into the thickets to pick...) and fresh lobster. Wow!
We were stuck in airports for almost 24 hours...finally into DIA yesterday morning. I jumped on the shuttle back to my car in Ft. C and raced over to the Cancer Center for chemo. What a bummer-all rested from vacation and then no sleep (sitting in Newark airport overnight) and chemo.

It is mind boggeling to me that I have had so many treatments and am still doing so well. What a lucky person I am, for sure. But, I do have those moments, like I did when we left Nantucket...I hope I will see them again. Is this my last summer? Such a weird thing. I have great and wonderful times, normal days...with those painful intrusions. Knowing that it can change, but living like it won't...
Thank you all for helping me live like it won't...for making my days so rich and full. Again I say...I am so lucky.

I hope you all have a grand weekend. Farmer's market tomorrow morning (I love the market-such a cheerful place!) and then more fresh stuff when I get my CSA on Sunday. The CSA (community supported agriculture) has been wonderful. A delivery of fresh stuff every week.


Friday, August 10, 2007

Ye ha!

Sorry I have not blogged in a while....I am happy to report that I have been on the road for work! I love it! It makes me so happy to be training. I have been in Lander twice (and out to Ft. Washakie) and in Laramie. Up next is Jackson.

Coming back from Ft. Washakie this week, we stopped at a raspberry farm outside of Shoshoni. Wonderful spot! Raspberry deLight Farms. ( Came home with fresh raspberries, raspberry chipotle sauce, raspberry vinegar...yum! Add that to all my yummy produce from our is good!

I am coming into my "good days." Starting to feel better. It takes about a week after chemo. But, still not having to miss work. I am a very lucky person.

Happy Friday!