Chris's Journal

Monday, October 31, 2005

Lung Cancer Awareness Month

November is Lung Cancer Awareness month. I am happy to let you know that we had a proclamation signed by the Governor and it is on the State of Wyoming website,

You can click on it to read the text. I am working on the possibility of a public signing. I will keep you posted. I hope that next year we can have an event in November. We need to make sure that lung cancer is no longer the invisible disease.

Look at these great ads by Lung Cancer Alliance:

Print them out and spread them about. Let's make education and awareness our goal for November. Then, let's make it our goal for 2006. Thank you all!

(I have emailed the folks at Lung Cancer Alliance to see if we can print them and post them. I will post a note about it when I hear back.)

Second round of chemo went ok. They dripped in the benedryl first, so no reaction to the Alimta. I did take a big ol nap when I got home. I did not miss any work-just slept in a bit on Thursday and today. Few weird things going on...just feels strange and I feel a bit squishy. (I had to explain "squishy" to Dr. Kanard! In our family that means queasy...) The treatment also kicked up the numbness in my hands and feet again-damn.

Happy Monday, Happy Halloween!

Monday, October 24, 2005

Long time no chat!

Sorry that I have been out of touch! 3 conferences in 2 weeks and lots of home improvement projects!

Feeling great and loving this gorgeous fall.

Chemo coming up on Wednesday. I am hoping that I will not be as tired this time. I think the fatigue after the last round of chemo was exacerbated by the effects of radiation.

Attended the Wyoming Cancer Conference in Casper last week. Jenny Garcia from UW and I worked a table-talking about all the great databases available. We were also able to attend the conference. I brought home a lot of good information for my job and for my own cancer journey. Dr. Barrasso spoke during lunch on Thursday. He said that his hope is that lung cancer is the next race for the cure. Man, me too!

I am hoping to send the proclamation request over to the Gov's office today for Lung Cancer Awareness Month (November). More on that later.

Get out there and enjoy this beautiful weather!

Friday, October 07, 2005

On to the new stuff...

It is gorgeous here-a perfect fall morning!

I started chemo on Tuesday. Had a bit of a reaction to it, so now (bummer) I will have to have the Benedryl before I do the Alimta. Which means, I have to rely on rides again. It was easier for me to get myself to and fro. I feel bad asking my friends to give up 5 hours of their day.

I had a good talk with Dr. Kanard--discussed some of the realities and that is always hard, but she always emphasizes that we are going on hope.

Was home all day on Wednesday and part of Thursday. Just could not get out of bed. Feeling pretty squishy today, but I am getting through my long work list before I head out to Jackson. Two conferences next week.

Have a great weekend!