Chris's Journal

Monday, March 25, 2013


Slug weekend-mostly on the couch.  I do hate that.
Hoping that the green will be gone tomorrow.  I have things to do!

Seemed to not have any adverse effects of reducing the decadron (steroid) during infusion. Did notice less headache and face flush the days after. Sweet.

Speaking of sweet....

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

First Day of Spring

Happy First Day of Spring!
In true Wyoming Spring fashion, I have on my Uggs but my flip flops are in the car!  Hoping I get to change when I go down to Ft C for chemo today.  I need to be warm!

They are decreasing the steroid today during infusion... We have been decreasing the amount this year.  I have hated the "decadron hangover" that I get for a couple of days after chemo.
Here's hoping it goes well.

Had a grand time in Oregon with Carrie and Lux.  We went to Hood River (awesome!) and another day, to the coast.  Ran on the beach in high wind and driving rain. There was no keeping Lux off the sand!
 I will post a picture soon.

If you can't find spring where you are...go buy some daffodils. I am!

Tuesday, March 05, 2013

reality check

So...did not snap back this time.  More of a roller coaster ride.
 Was already green on Thursday.  Had a pretty nice morning on Saturday and then was one with the couch.  Got some chores done Sunday, but felt crappy on Monday.  Today... green, but hopeful.

I am seriously wondering why I started back on chemo if the scan showed stable after my break.  Need to have a conversation with my oncologist.
