Sometimes it is good to be the weirdo!
Finally! They were able to use the tissue from the 2004 biopsy.
I have the marker!
I qualify for the new drug!
I am one of the 6% that have this marker, of folks with slow growing adenocarcinoma.
The drug is called XALKORI. It is a pill you take every day.
I will have a CT scan in September to see if I am still stable, then we will determine when I will start.
Until then...summer fun!!
I have the marker!
I qualify for the new drug!
I am one of the 6% that have this marker, of folks with slow growing adenocarcinoma.
The drug is called XALKORI. It is a pill you take every day.
I will have a CT scan in September to see if I am still stable, then we will determine when I will start.
Until then...summer fun!!