Chris's Journal

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

positive energy

I have a PET scan tomorrow and could use all the positive energy I can get. 

PET scan early am and then chemo and the oncologist in the afternoon.  I hope I get done in time to go to a program called Cancer Transitions.  It is from 5-7.  Long day.


Friday, July 27, 2012

family time

At the zoo with Lux.  What a blast!
I had a great visit with Carrie and Lux.  We went to the zoo.  Went downtown to the market.
Spent a lovely day on Sauvie Island picking blueberries and strawberries, then to cut lavender.  Also had  patio time with Carrie and mornings hanging with Lux.  We read, talked about his animals, knocked plums out of the tree, and snuggled up to watch Curious George.
The best!


Thursday, July 12, 2012

day after

Chemo yesterday.  Now that the Cancer Center is under the Poudre Valley takes so much longer to get done.  My appt. was at 1:30 and I finally got home at 6.
At least all my infusions are pretty short.  I had a list of questions for Dr. Kanard, but left them at home.  Could not think of one of them...ah, chemo brain.

August 1st will be my next PET scan.  Here's hoping that the Alimta and Avastin combo is working. She says that my lungs sound good. That is crazy, isn't it?
Talked to the oncology social worker-she is wonderful. There are a couple of programs down there that I would like to do.  I just wish all of this was in my town and I did not have to commute. Ah well, do it now while the roads are good and it stays light longer.

I am pretty green already today.  I need a nap.
