Chris's Journal

Friday, February 17, 2012


I think that Wednesday was chemo #113.

The addition of the Avastin has caused my blood pressure to go up so much that I have to start on blood pressure medication.

I am still trying to get my head around ongoing chemo...After my meltdown at the Cancer Center a few months ago (and sitting in the parking lot with the engine running-not wanting to go in), I have been working on my attitude. It all really got to me last year. I need to get back to a focus on my health. My juicer has just been sitting there on the counter...sheesh! The fatigue is really kicking my butt, so I really need to work to get some fuel back in the tank.
I need kale! I need exercise! I need sun!

I will have a PET scan in March, then hopefully can begin to plan a chemo break. Oh please, oh please, oh please....

Chemo schedule:
Mar. 7 (and PET scan)
Mar. 28

Have a wonderful weekend everybody!

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Be my Valentine

Happy Heart Day!

Sending out lots of love and thanks.