Chris's Journal

Monday, January 24, 2011

Another round, comes around

It is pretty amazing to me to have been undergoing treatment for this long, and have nothing to report! Stable, both tumors and symptoms, is my new normal. What a lucky person I am.

Sadly, it took over 2 weeks for wine to taste good. But, at least I can have wine! Fatigue has been a big issue. After a wonderful, but little sleep weekend, with my brother and his wife, I had to go back to toddler bedtime for a few days last week.

Another round comes around Wednesday. 90 for Alimta. 96 far. Will hit 100 in April! Yikes!


Friday, January 14, 2011

Finally rollin'

Finally over the icky green days and ready to roll into the weekend! Took a full 7 days this time, and that was with acupuncture and a B-12 booster. A lot of time was spent in bed. Toddler bedtime and teenager gettin' up time.

New picture from my visit in December. Hanging out with his Bubbe outside. Can't wait to go back!

Have a great weekend!



Thursday, January 06, 2011

Getting back up

2010...not such a positive year for me. Great fun things, but it kicked me in the chops, emotionally.

"But the point of a life journey isn't whether or not we've fallen down;
it's whether or not we've learned how to get back up."
from The Age of Miracles

2011-already better.
