Chris's Journal

Friday, July 27, 2007

thinking about the fight with cancer

I read so many things about cancer, folks fighting it, folks dying from it, the research, the events. I read the blogs by Leroy Sievers and the Cancer Diva blog. I read, and loved, the book Cancer Vixen. I read Lance's book and check in on his LiveStrong site. I see the "Say it, Fight it, Cure it" bracelet on my wrist every day. I think about it a lot.

I was just writing a note to the Wyoming Library Community Relay for Life team. In it I wrote, "to know that folks are fighting for you, for your very future, is just amazing ..." I think about that a lot, too.

I want everyone to know how much I appreciate the cards, the emails, the gifts; how much your prayers and positive thoughts mean to me; how much I appreciate everyone who takes the field for Relay, walks or runs in an event, who gives money to the fight. I think about that a lot.

It is amazing. Strangers work hard to help you live. It is amazing. So many people are touched by cancer. It is amazing. So much still has to be done.
I think about that a lot.


Friday, July 20, 2007

so lucky...

It is not Friday the 13th...just a regular old Friday, but I feel so darn lucky. I was catching up on Leroy Sievers' blog this morning and reading some of the comments. Such a community has evolved around his blog. Amazing to read. I was reading the comments on his July 18th entry, and feeling so lucky. The pain and struggles that folks have endured and triumphed over is inspiring and heartbreaking.
I understand the roller-coaster ride of each scan. The wondering, "is this my last Christmas?" and the middle of the night fears and demons...and the joy of a "stable" report, the joy of being here long after they thought I would not. But, I am so lucky-I have not had to endure the surgeries, the debilitating drugs... Here is one of the comments:
This is my 5th major chemo regimen. I've had 6 surgeries and a the full blown 35 radiation treatments over the past 2 years. One of the surgeries was mind blowing, moving body parts around, putting in a titanium jaw, replacing 50% of my throat with tissue from my leg, etc. It really is amazing. Other than the cancer, I'm in great shape (minus the chonic eating and speaking disabilities caused by the surgeries)
There are many more like that.... oh, I am so lucky.

I know that one of the reasons is that I have amazing family and friends that lift me up. Thank you so much.


Thursday, July 12, 2007


PET scan shows STABLE....AGAIN!

Dr. Kanard says, "keep doing whatever you are doing! It is working!"

So, I will keep taking my supplements, having my red wine and relying on my family and friends to keep me on my feet and my spirits up.


Monday, July 09, 2007


Wow-July! June went fast, but it was full of fun stuff!

I was off last week. Liz was here, we had a Sweet Potato Queen Meetin', hung out in Laramie, my 93 year old (amazing) grandma was here with the Osse's, then we topped the whole week off with a family reunion of the Swede side! We gathered in Colorado where my cousin Marty and his family hosted us. They did all the cooking for the whole mess of us (85 plus). It was great to see family and share stories. It was wonderful to see new babies, meet the "married in" folks. We are a huggy bunch!
Many commented that I looked good-I am sure they meant they were happy that I did not look sick. To be honest, I don't feel sick. I am healthy as a horse....except for that cancer thing.
I have said that a lot. Today I was catching up on Leroy's blog and he had written that very thing. He says he is in pretty good shape, except for that cancer thing.

Tomorrow I have another PET scan. Gulp--just thinking about it makes me want to barf in my shoes. I will get the results on Wednesday morning when I meet with Dr. Kanard. If all is well and the Alimta is still working, I will have chemo Wednesday also. I moved it back one day in hopes that I would feel ok for my travel to Lander next week. After the last round, I am not sure that I will. Ah well...I will just pick outfits that go with green!
