Chris's Journal

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

about the last post....

Right after the last post went up, I had a call from Dr. Kanard wondering what had happened...if I was ok. She called it Quality Control Check! Is she amazing, or what?! When your oncologist cares enough to not only read your blog, but check up on you (along with keeping you alive), that is quite wonderful. Thank you, Dr. Kanard!

Ok, so I was having a bit of a wah-wah moment. I must admit to a bit of a funk-I get a bit more down, I get a bit fussy now and then (especially when I can't do the things I want to or I see pictures and I no longer look like myself). But, I am doing well and I do realize how incredibly lucky I am. I had just let it all get to me and it was taking me down a bit.

My mother would ask, "what are you going to do about it?" My uncle would tell me, "take part in your own rescue." My brother would tell me to "get off the couch and go do something."



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