Chris's Journal

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

La Brea Tar Pits

Now I bet you are wondering what that means!
I was feeling bogged down in the tar pits...stuck, icky, slow. Not my best showing.

(I am very happy about the report of stable. Amazing! I spent most of my time with Dr. Kanard stunned. Happy stunned!)

But, then the chemo and all it's glory took over and I got green and cranky and mad and weepy. I talked to Peg Saturday and she got a whole bunch of it over the phone. Bless her heart! She let me "barf on her shoes" and still had positive things to say to me. She is right too, I have to get it out and not just keep it in.
Tears on the outside fall to the ground and are slowly swept away.
Tears on the inside fall on the soul and stay and stay and stay.
By Sunday you would think I would have been pulling myself out...nah! Still pitiful when I went for chai with Sheila...still pitiful when Liz called...still pitiful when Cathy called! Just laying in on my bed wishing the cat would bring me tea or soup...
Tuesday-ick...not so cranky...
Wednesday-here's hoping!



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