Chris's Journal

Tuesday, September 18, 2007


Dr. Kanard reminded me at chemo that we were doing number 33. Crazy! The reps are going to be amazed.
We have moved the next PET scan to the week of the 22nd of October so that we can enjoy (hmmm, "enjoy?") a full two years on the Alimta...just in case the PET scan shows changes. (the little buggers wouldn't dare!) I began Alimta on October 4th, 2005 and will have number 34 on October 4, 2007. I started chemo in January 2005. Excuse me, I need to go lay down!

I was beyond exhausted this weekend and yesterday. Better today, but stomach and limbs feel so alien. Had hoped to have another acupuncture session yesterday. Was not out of bed. Meant to call today and schedule one....sheesh! I need a handler!

We have pastries left from Friday's lovely WLA reception....unfortunately, sweets taste good to me after chemo...and something in my stomach feels better for a bit... I am off to the break room.



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