to blog or not to blog...
I am debating, once again, about doing this blog, what I post to this blog...
The "hole" posting was pretty personal and dark. I have tried to keep this a fairly positive place for folks to check in and see how I am doing. Ok, and I must admit that I am also looking for feedback...a blog hug. To know that someone is out there and reading this.
I am not sure that it is fair, to you or to me, if it is only the happy attitude stuff. I sometimes read about people who have cancer..."they never complained, always had a great attitude." I am beginning to see that as not fair to all the people who have cancer...and have bad days, bad weeks to only read that someone was upbeat all the time (or perceived to be). It is not fair to those who are new to the world of cancer. One of my other goals for this blog was to put a new face and voice to cancer, to lung cancer. If I were new to the battle, I would want to see a real representation of the days, of the emotions, to know what I was feeling was "normal". It is such a rollercoaster ride.
As I was debating this issue with myself and chatting with some friends about it and with Dr. Kanard, I came across this article in Women & Cancer. There is an article about Robin Roberts (she is on Good Morning America). At the beginning she was debating whether to make her journey public. Her mother then told her, "Make your mess your message." Robin said, "She helped show me that there are others who are going to benefit from [my story] and that the pain and discomfort I was going through would be minimal compared to the benefit I could bring to other people." She had resources and information and a voice.
Ok, so I am not on Good Morning America, but perhaps this can still be a place where I can offer my experience, resources, and HOPE.
I am hoping that this is more help than ego...that I benefit from sharing and you keep up with what is happening at my end.
enough babble for the day!
p.s. Happy Talk Like a Pirate Day!
The "hole" posting was pretty personal and dark. I have tried to keep this a fairly positive place for folks to check in and see how I am doing. Ok, and I must admit that I am also looking for feedback...a blog hug. To know that someone is out there and reading this.
I am not sure that it is fair, to you or to me, if it is only the happy attitude stuff. I sometimes read about people who have cancer..."they never complained, always had a great attitude." I am beginning to see that as not fair to all the people who have cancer...and have bad days, bad weeks to only read that someone was upbeat all the time (or perceived to be). It is not fair to those who are new to the world of cancer. One of my other goals for this blog was to put a new face and voice to cancer, to lung cancer. If I were new to the battle, I would want to see a real representation of the days, of the emotions, to know what I was feeling was "normal". It is such a rollercoaster ride.
As I was debating this issue with myself and chatting with some friends about it and with Dr. Kanard, I came across this article in Women & Cancer. There is an article about Robin Roberts (she is on Good Morning America). At the beginning she was debating whether to make her journey public. Her mother then told her, "Make your mess your message." Robin said, "She helped show me that there are others who are going to benefit from [my story] and that the pain and discomfort I was going through would be minimal compared to the benefit I could bring to other people." She had resources and information and a voice.
Ok, so I am not on Good Morning America, but perhaps this can still be a place where I can offer my experience, resources, and HOPE.
I am hoping that this is more help than ego...that I benefit from sharing and you keep up with what is happening at my end.
enough babble for the day!
p.s. Happy Talk Like a Pirate Day!
At 5:19 PM,
Peg said…
Chris, You are right, life definitely isn't all roses when you walk with cancer. You don't always have to put on a happy face for those of us who follow your blog and are your friends. We love you no matter what kind of day you have. Your blog has been an amazing example of hope and fortitude but your true walk with lung cancer needs show the ups and the downs for others to gain insight into what this is really like. You have managed to do this with your blog even though it may not feel like it. We see your good days and your rough days but still you and your wonderful personality shine through it all. (You continue to be an inspiration.) The blog has been a special place that I can go to keep tabs on how you are doing without having to bug you with e-mails to ask you myself. Thank you for taking time to share what's happening to you and do continue to share honestly what is happening in your cancer walk. Remember, we love you no matter what kind of day you are having. Thanks for being you and letting us follow along with you through this journey.
Peg P.
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