Chris's Journal

Monday, August 29, 2005

Zapping progress

I have now done 14 radiation treatments. I will have a total of 25 and then on to another round of chemo. Skin is still a-ok. Swallowing is getting harder. Fizzy pop and tonic really hurt and bread is becoming problematic. I could use less bread in my diet anyway. May be time to break out the blender, get fresh peaches from the farmer's market and whip up a smoothie!

I am afraid that my good nature slipped a bit and I got into a funk. Friday I finally went home-I was tired, weepy, cranky. Did not need to spread that around--good grief! Did a bit of retail therapy with Trish and Cathy over the weekend. Trish and I drove to Kersey, Colorado for breakfast. We call them "diner Saturdays." Then we wandered the outskirts of Greeley and around the shops in Windsor. Cathy and I did the mall sale bit-eek! She knows how to do it, which is good, 'cause I am not good at the shopping thing--ended up with a few cute items. That will help with the self image problems that seem to arise with the lack of hair (and what is there being grey and white), the change in shape, lack of exercise...
Man, as if the Big C isn't bad enough by itself. Sheesh!

Port flush tomorrow in Ft. Collins. I don't think I get to talk to Dr. Kanard then. I see her on the 28th of Sept. I am anxious to get started with chemo. The buggers grew this summer and we need to get after them!

I guess I have babbled enough for this update! Hope you all are well.


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