Chris's Journal

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

shopping, walking, healing

Happy Summer! It is coming in with a vengeance here! 90's for the next week. I am not sure how Bobbi and I are going to shop for fleece today with temperatures like that! Maybe we will start in the flip flop section before moving on to fleece.

I have chemo tomorrow. The next PET scan is coming soon-gulp. Keep your fingers crossed and your prayers and positive intentions coming! Thank you so much. I could not do it without you.

Cathy was telling me about a program in Bozeman called Mending in the Mountains. Isn't that a great name? I am hoping that I can attend in October with our friend Karin. The website says."Rediscover your own joy and hope in life, offer you more tools to empower you to meet the physical, emotional, and spiritual challenges of cancer recovery, and to provide you with nurturing support from others dealing with similar life challenges. " Sounds wonderful. I was also looking at other items on the website, Wellness Community Montana. They have a lot of support options for cancer patients. I loved that they have a "Walk and Talk," and it included this quote: "Salvitur Ambulando!" "It is solved by walking!"-St. Augustine How true is that? You get out there walking and yakking with a pal and pretty soon you feel better, you have a plan...

Speaking of...I better scoot. I walk with Amy at lunch time on Wednesdays.
Happy Summer!
p.s. Happy Birthday, dad!


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