Chris's Journal

Monday, May 14, 2007

slow Monday

What a beautiful weekend! Happy Mother's Day! I have to tell you, I am so proud to be Carrie's mom. She is amazing. What a gift.

I am so tired today and my typing is atro...bad! (just seemed easier) My torso is so darn tender...I need a mumu.

I had a chat with the counselor last week, some of it about body image and how cancer changes how I feel, sound, look...and how much I hate it. By coincidence (didn't think I could pull that off!) that was the topic on the My Cancer blog this morning. (, and look at May 14th blog and comments.) It is a weird thing. I am so thankful that I am able to work and play...that I have not had to endure surgeries and hospital stays, that you cannot tell I have cancer by looking at me. But, I do know that the hugs and stories that poured out of people when they saw my bald head were amazing. Some folks responded to Leroy's blog that they did not like the pity they saw. I remember feeling only support. Now that this has been going on for so long, and now that I have hair, things have just slipped into a regular routine...and that feels so weird. There is nothing regular about this.

Ok, I have been here two hours....I need a nap.



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