New Year Ramblings
I hope that 2007 is a wonderful year for all.
I was cleaning up email and bookmarks and decided to share some links and ramblings.
I discovered a wonderful website called Feeling Bold,
Here is what it says: "It’s standing tall and strong in the face of a challenge. It’s listening to our inner whispers in our journey to become a roaring, powerful, loving and healthy warrior. It’s truth and beauty, balance and power, integrity and attitude. It’s faith and passion, desire and trust. It’s breathing and growing deeper into our raw and essential selves.It’s taking ourselves seriously and being the first to laugh at our own slips. It’s honoring and respecting ourselves and those around us. It’s love and magic, friendship and community, extending a hand and reaching out an arm."
Wow-what a wonderful message and how perfect to begin our new year with that as our guide.
I also came across a blog called 37days. I love it. Google it and check it out! "If you had only 37 days to live, would you feel happy with the story you have lived thus far? How would you express that story, learn from it, leave it for others? Those are the fundamental questions behind the blog, 37days."
You all know how I feel about Leroy Sievers' blog,
He is able/willing to put into his blog more of the fears and worries of both the person with cancer and the friends and family around them. I have recognized myself and my loved ones in his posts. I have appreciated his candor for all of us. In one of his posts he says, “I hope I find the time to say the things that need to be said. That I let the people in my life know how important they are to me. That I find the words we so often leave unspoken. I hope that even when things look dark, I remember there are many others out there facing much greater challenges. I hope I'll always remember that, for better or worse, this is the burden I've been given to carry. And so I will carry it as long as I have the strength.”
Let’s make this the year we put on our own event to raise awareness and dollars for lung cancer…all cancer. How about a walk the morning after Thanksgiving? November is Lung Cancer Awareness Month. The statistics are humbling….let’s get after them.
Knitting-- Thanks to all who have contributed to this goal from 2006. Kirsten-we sure tried. Let’s try again this year! Hope springs eternal. Jill-thanks for all the goodies (Knit and Bitch, the bag). To the fiber arts lunch bunch at work-what fun and thanks (especially to Venice and all her patience and expertise)! Felting is next!
Walking--Amy answered that 2006 goal and is my Wednesday walking buddy. Pris also offered but we weren't as successful finding a time slot. We do have movie night, though! Emily and Pris and I get together and watch old movies. ("pellet with the poison is in the vestle with the pestle and chalice from the palace has the brew that is true")
To love and magic and friendship and community...
I was cleaning up email and bookmarks and decided to share some links and ramblings.
I discovered a wonderful website called Feeling Bold,
Here is what it says: "It’s standing tall and strong in the face of a challenge. It’s listening to our inner whispers in our journey to become a roaring, powerful, loving and healthy warrior. It’s truth and beauty, balance and power, integrity and attitude. It’s faith and passion, desire and trust. It’s breathing and growing deeper into our raw and essential selves.It’s taking ourselves seriously and being the first to laugh at our own slips. It’s honoring and respecting ourselves and those around us. It’s love and magic, friendship and community, extending a hand and reaching out an arm."
Wow-what a wonderful message and how perfect to begin our new year with that as our guide.
I also came across a blog called 37days. I love it. Google it and check it out! "If you had only 37 days to live, would you feel happy with the story you have lived thus far? How would you express that story, learn from it, leave it for others? Those are the fundamental questions behind the blog, 37days."
You all know how I feel about Leroy Sievers' blog,
He is able/willing to put into his blog more of the fears and worries of both the person with cancer and the friends and family around them. I have recognized myself and my loved ones in his posts. I have appreciated his candor for all of us. In one of his posts he says, “I hope I find the time to say the things that need to be said. That I let the people in my life know how important they are to me. That I find the words we so often leave unspoken. I hope that even when things look dark, I remember there are many others out there facing much greater challenges. I hope I'll always remember that, for better or worse, this is the burden I've been given to carry. And so I will carry it as long as I have the strength.”
Let’s make this the year we put on our own event to raise awareness and dollars for lung cancer…all cancer. How about a walk the morning after Thanksgiving? November is Lung Cancer Awareness Month. The statistics are humbling….let’s get after them.
Knitting-- Thanks to all who have contributed to this goal from 2006. Kirsten-we sure tried. Let’s try again this year! Hope springs eternal. Jill-thanks for all the goodies (Knit and Bitch, the bag). To the fiber arts lunch bunch at work-what fun and thanks (especially to Venice and all her patience and expertise)! Felting is next!
Walking--Amy answered that 2006 goal and is my Wednesday walking buddy. Pris also offered but we weren't as successful finding a time slot. We do have movie night, though! Emily and Pris and I get together and watch old movies. ("pellet with the poison is in the vestle with the pestle and chalice from the palace has the brew that is true")
To love and magic and friendship and community...
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