Chris's Journal

Friday, June 02, 2006

June? Already?!

Just finished chemo treatment number 12 on the Alimta (18 total chemo treatments since the battle began). I am so pleased that I am tolerating it so well. Hopefully it is in there doing battle and winning. I will have another CT scan in July to see how things look.
I wanted to clarify something from a previous email. I had mentioned that I was going to a hospice counselor. I am not in hopsice care. I am doing well and fighting. The counselor I am seeing is part of the Hospice of Larimer County under their Pathways program. It has a new program to support and provide counseling for people with chronic illnesses, their families and caregivers. There are so many things to think about, take care of, and deal with. It has been very helpful. I have an amazing care team, and that includes all of you! Thank you for all you do to keep my head above water.
Happy summer!


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