Chris's Journal

Monday, January 24, 2005


I successfully made it through round one and the days that followed. Some side effects, but all do-able. My next chemo treatment is on Feb. 2nd. That same day I will meet with my oncologist, Dr. Anna Kanard. Following that appointment I will update the blog with more information about my specific cancer.
A few resources that may be of interest to you-they were to me.

I just read Lance Armstrong's book, It's not about the bike: My journey back to life. Rick and Kathey (cousins in TX) sent it to me. I found it a good read, somtimes very scary as I approach more treatment and wonder about my own strength to conquer. The other book I am reading I got from Sheila. It is called, There's no place like hope: A guide to beating cancer in mind-sized bites. Wonderful.

Just want you all to know that I am feeling good and taking advantage of the 60 degree weather that we are having!
My motto this week: "curl 'em while you got 'em!"


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